Monthly Archives: September 2015

A Game That’s Not a Game


I’ve been playing this online game called TrainStation on Facebook for a long time, probably a year or more. I spend too much time playing it, and I’ve had a feeling for awhile now that the Lord doesn’t want me to play it anymore. I’ve tried a number of times to stop playing it to no avail.

One time I managed to stop for a little over a week because I unfriended all the Facebook friends that were playing it with me, but I felt so uncomfortable that I ended up going back to it. I shouldn’t have allowed the physical feeling to rule over me like that, but I did.

I’ve begun to realize that I’m addicted to it, which may have been why I felt uncomfortable when I stopped playing for that week. Not a good thing!

The reason I like playing it is because it’s fun and relaxing. There’s no violence and I don’t spend any money on it. It’s just quiet fun that’s relaxing. I’ll admit there are a few times where I get frustrated because the screen moves unnecessarily in full-screen mode as my finger brushes against the trackpad when it’s not supposed to~something I can’t help. But that’s the only problem I have with it and it’s more of a technical issue with the trackpad and my straying fingers than a problem with the game.

I’m going to post what I’ve written thus far because something happened with Mom yesterday that I need to write about. Once I’m done with that I’ll come back and work more on this.

Life can be SOOO interesting at times!

July 24, 2019

This update is almost four years later. For the most part, I’m no longer playing TrainStation, but I am playing four other computer games. However, I don’t spend as much time playing them as I did while I was playing TrainStation. Additionally, the frustration I used to experience as I played any game is no longer a problem, thank God. The self-abuse is gone, hallelujah!

The fact that the self-abuse is gone is probably the biggest change, and the most welcome. Self-abuse has haunted me for many, many years, and I have longed to be free of it. I’m so grateful to God for setting me free from this besetting sin!!